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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Атмосфера. Новости кардиологии
2023 / N 2

Роль питавастатина в первичной и вторичной кардиоваскулярной профилактике: от оптимизации липидного спектра до регресса атеромы
Ю.А. Карпов, А.В. Мелехов


1. Mach F, Baigent C, Catapano AL, Koskinas KC, Casula M, Badimon L, Chapman MJ, De Backer GG, Delgado V, Ference BA, Graham IM, Halliday A, Landmesser U, Mihaylova B, Pedersen TR, Riccardi G, Richter DJ, Sabatine MS, Taskinen MR, Tokgozoglu L, Wiklund O; ESC Scientific Document Group. ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemia: lipids modification to reduce cardiovascular risk. European Heart Journal 2019 Aug;2019(00):1-78.
2. Silverman MG, Ference BA, Im K, Wiviott SD, Giugliano RP, Grundy SM, Braunwald E, Sabatine MS. Association between lowering LDL-C and cardiovascular risk reduction among different therapeutic interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA 2016 Sep;316(12):1289-97.
3. Geovanini GR, Libby P. Atherosclerosis and inflammation: overview and updates. Clinical Science (London, England: 1979) 2018 Jun;132(12):1243-52.
4. Borén J, Chapman MJ, Krauss RM, Packard CJ, Bentzon JF, Binder CJ, Daemen MJ, Demer LL, Hegele RA, Nicholls SJ, Nordestgaard BG, Watts GF, Bruckert E, Fazio S, Ference BA, Graham I, Horton JD, Landmesser U, Laufs U, Masana L, Pasterkamp G, Raal FJ, Ray KK, Schunkert H, Taskinen MR, van de Sluis B, Wiklund O, Tokgozoglu L, Catapano AL, Ginsberg HN. Low-density lipoproteins cause atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: pathophysiological, genetic, and therapeutic insights: a consensus statement from the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel. European Heart Journal 2020 Jun;41(24):2313-30.
5. Vergallo R, Porto I, D’Amario D, Annibali G, Galli M, Benenati S, Bendandi F, Migliaro S, Fracassi F, Aurigemma C, Leone AM, Buffon A, Burzotta F, Trani C, Niccoli G, Liuzzo G, Prati F, Fuster V, Jang IK, Crea F. Coronary atherosclerotic phenotype and plaque healing in patients with recurrent acute coronary syndromes compared with patients with long-term clinical stability. An in vivo optical coherence tomography study. JAMA Cardiology 2019 Apr;4(4):321-9.
6. Ferencik M, Mayrhofer T, Bittner DO, Emami H, Puchner SB, Lu MT, Meyersohn NM, Ivanov AV, Adami EC, Patel MR, Mark DB, Udelson JE, Lee KL, Douglas PS, Hoffmann U. Use of high-risk coronary atherosclerotic plaque detection for risk stratification of patients with stable chest pain: a secondary analysis of the PROMISE randomized clinical trial. JAMA Cardiology 2018 Feb;3(2):144-52.
7. Iannaccone M, Quadri G, Taha S, D’Ascenzo F, Montefusco A, Omede’ P, Jang IK, Niccoli G, Souteyrand G, Yundai C, Toutouzas K, Benedetto S, Barbero U, Annone U, Lonni E, Imori Y, Biondi-Zoccai G, Templin C, Moretti C, Luscher TF, Gaita F. Prevalence and predictors of culprit plaque rupture at OCT in patients with coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis. European Heart Journal. Cardiovascular Imaging 2016 Oct;17(10):1128-37.
8. Stone GW, Maehara A, Lansky AJ, de Bruyne B, Cristea E, Mintz GS, Mehran R, McPherson J, Farhat N, Marso SP, Parise H, Templin B, White R, Zhang Z, Serruys PW; PROSPECT Investigators. A prospective natural-history study of coronary atherosclerosis. The New England Journal of Medicine 2011 Jan;364(3):226-35.
9. Calvert PA, Obaid DR, O’Sullivan M, Shapiro LM, McNab D, Densem CG, Schofield PM, Braganza D, Clarke SC, Ray KK, West NE, Bennett MR. Association between IVUS findings and adverse outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease: the VIVA (VH-IVUS in vulnerable atherosclerosis) study. JACC. Cardiovascular Imaging 2011 Aug;4(8):894-901.
10. Cheng JM, Garcia-Garcia HM, de Boer SP, Kardys I, Heo JH, Akkerhuis KM, Oemrawsingh RM, van Domburg RT, Ligthart J, Witberg KT, Regar E, Serruys PW, van Geuns RJ, Boersma E. In vivo detection of high-risk coronary plaques by radiofrequency intravascular ultrasound and cardiovascular outcome: results of the ATHEROREMO-IVUS study. European Heart Journal 2014 Mar;35(10):639-47.
11. Guedeney P, Claessen BE, Kalkman DN, Aquino M, Sorrentino S, Giustino G, Farhan S, Vogel B, Sartori S, Montalescot G, Sweeny J, Kovacic JC, Krishnan P, Barman N, Dangas G, Kini A, Baber U, Sharma S, Mehran R. Residual inflammatory risk in patients with low LDL cholesterol levels undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2019 May;73(19):2401-9.
12. Bangalore S, Guo Y, Samadashvili Z, Hannan EL. Outcomes with complete versus incomplete revascularization in patients with multivessel coronary disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with everolimus eluting stents. The American Journal of Cardiology 2020 Feb;125(3):362-9.
13. Ozaki Y, Garcia-Garcia HM, Solomon S, Beyene SS, Hideo-Kajita A, Kuku KO, Kolm P, Waksman R. Effect of statin therapy on fibrous cap thickness in coronary plaque on optical coherence tomography – review and meta-analysis. Circulation Journal 2019 Jun;83(7):1480-8.
14. Xiao Y, He S, Zhang Z, Feng H, Cui S, Wu J. Effect of high-dose statin pretreatment for myocardial perfusion in patients receiving percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): a meta-analysis of 15 randomized studies. Medical Science Monitor 2018 Dec;24:9166-76.
15. Fici F, Faikoglu G, Tarim BA, Robles NR, Tsioufis K, Grassi G, Gungor B. Pitavastatin: coronary atherosclerotic plaques changes and cardiovascular prevention. High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention 2022 Mar;29(2):137-44.
16. Saito Y. Treatment options for hypercholesterolemia and combined dyslipidemia: focus on pitavastatin. Clinical Medicine Insights. Therapeutics 2011 Dec;3(3):517-25.
17. Moroi M, Nagayama D, Hara F, Saiki A, Shimizu K, Takahashi M, Sato N, Shiba T, Sugimoto H, Fujioka T, Chiba T, Nishizawa K, Usui S, Iwasaki Y, Tatsuno I, Sugi K, Yamasaki J, Yamamura S, Shirai K. Outcome of pitavastatin versus atorvastatin therapy in patients with hypercholesterolemia at high risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. International Journal of Cardiology 2020 Apr;305:139-46.
18. Chan P, Shao L, Tomlinson B, Zhang Y, Liu ZM. An evaluation of pitavastatin for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2019 Jan;20(1):103-13.
19. Adams SP, Alaeiilkhchi N, Wright JM. Pitavastatin for lowering lipids. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020 Jun;6(6):CD012735.
20. Arnett DK, Blumenthal RS, Albert MA, Buroker AB, Goldberger ZD, Hahn EJ, Himmelfarb CD, Khera A, Lloyd-Jones D, McEvoy JW, Michos ED, Miedema MD, Muñoz D, Smith SC Jr, Virani SS, Williams KA Sr, Yeboah J, Ziaeian B. ACC/AHA Guideline on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: Executive Summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation 2019 Sep;140(11):e563-95.
21. Министерство здравоохранения; Общероссийская общест­венная организация “Российское кардиологическое общест­во”; Автономная некоммерческая организация “Национальное общество по изучению атеросклероза”; Российская ассоциа­ция эндокринологов; Российское общество кардиосоматической реабилитации и вторичной профилактики (РосОКР); Общероссийская общественная организация “Российское научное медицинское общество терапевтов”; Евразийская ассоциация кардиологов; Евразийское общество терапевтов; Общероссийская общественная организация “Российская ассоциация геронтологов и гериатров”. Клинические рекомендации. Нарушения липидного обмена. Кодирование по Международной статистической классификации болезней и проблем, связанных со здоровьем: E78.0, E78.1, E78.2, E78.3, E78.4. Год утверждения (частота пересмотра): 2023. Возрастная категория: взрослые. Пересмотр не позднее: 2025. М., 2023. Доступно по: https://cr.minzdrav.gov.ru/schema/752_1 Ссылка активна на 25.07.2023.
22. Taguchi I, Iimuro S, Iwata H, Takashima H, Abe M, Amiya E, Ogawa T, Ozaki Y, Sakuma I, Nakagawa Y, Hibi K, Hiro T, Fukumoto Y, Hokimoto S, Miyauchi K, Yamazaki T, Ito H, Otsuji Y, Kimura K, Takahashi J, Hirayama A, Yokoi H, Kitagawa K, Urabe T, Okada Y, Terayama Y, Toyoda K, Nagao T, Matsumoto M, Ohashi Y, Kaneko T, Fujita R, Ohtsu H, Ogawa H, Daida H, Shimokawa H, Saito Y, Kimura T, Inoue T, Matsuzaki M, Nagai R. High-dose versus low-dose pitavastatin in Japanese patients with stable coronary artery disease (REAL-CAD): a randomized superiority trial. Circulation 2018 May;137(19):1997-2009.
23. Maruyama T, Takada M, Nishibori Y, Fujita K, Miki K, Masuda S, Horimatsu T, Hasuike T. Comparison of preventive effect on cardio­vascular events with different statins. The CIRCLE study. Circulation Journal 2011 Jun;75(8):1951-9.
24. Suh SY, Rha SW, Ahn TH, Shin EK, Choi CU, Oh DJ, Bae JH, Hur SH, Yun KH, Oh SK, Kim JH, Kim SW, Chae IH, Kim KS, Hong YJ, Jeong MH; LAMIS Investigators. Long-term safety and efficacy of pitavastatin in patients with acute myocardial infarction (from the Livalo Acute Myocardial Infarction Study [LAMIS]). The American Journal of Cardiology 2011 Dec;108(11):1530-5.
25. Ежов М.В., Сергиенко И.В., Алексеева И.А. Питавастатин (ливазо) в лечении дислипидемии в рутинной клинической практике. Российская программа “ЛИДЕР”. Атеросклероз и дислипидемии 2020;40:5-14.
26. Takashima H, Ozaki Y, Yasukawa T, Waseda K, Asai K, Wakita Y, Kuroda Y, Kosaka T, Kuhara Y, Ito T. Impact of lipid-lowering therapy with pitavastatin, a new HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, on regression of coronary atherosclerotic plaque. Circulation Journal 2007 Nov;71(11):1678-84.
27. Toi T, Taguchi I, Yoneda S, Kageyama M, Kikuchi A, Tokura M, Kanaya T, Abe S, Matsuda R, Kaneko N. Early effect of lipid-lowering therapy with pitavastatin on regression of coronary atherosclerotic plaque. Comparison with atorvastatin. Circulation Journal 2009 Aug;73(8):1466-72.
28. Hiro T, Kimura T, Morimoto T, Miyauchi K, Nakagawa Y, Yamagishi M, Ozaki Y, Kimura K, Saito S, Yamaguchi T, Daida H, Matsuzaki M; JAPAN-ACS Investigators. Effect of intensive statin therapy on regression of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome: a multicenter randomized trial evaluated by volumetric intravascular ultrasound using pitavastatin versus atorvastatin (JAPAN-ACS [Japan assessment of pitavastatin and atorvastatin in acute coronary syndrome] study). Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2009 Jul;54(4):293-302.
29. Miyauchi K, Daida H, Morimoto T, Hiro T, Kimura T, Nakagawa Y, Yamagishi M, Ozaki Y, Kadota K, Kimura K, Hirayama A, Kimura K, Hasegawa Y, Uchiyama S, Matsuzaki M; JAPAN-ACS Investigators. Reverse vessel remodeling but not coronary plaque regression could predict future cardiovascular events in ACS patients with intensive statin therapy – the extended JAPAN-ACS study. Circulation Journal 2012;76(4):825-32.
30. Nozue T, Yamamoto S, Tohyama S, Umezawa S, Kunishima T, Sato A, Miyake S, Takeyama Y, Morino Y, Yamauchi T, Muramatsu T, Hibi K, Sozu T, Terashima M, Michishita I. Statin treatment for coronary artery plaque composition based on intravascular ultrasound radiofrequency data analysis. American Heart Journal 2012 Feb;163(2):191-9.e1.
31. Nozue T, Yamamoto S, Tohyama S, Fukui K, Umezawa S, Onishi Y, Kunishima T, Sato A, Nozato T, Miyake S, Takeyama Y, Morino Y, Yamauchi T, Muramatsu T, Hibi K, Terashima M, Michishita I. Comparison of the effects of pitavastatin versus pravastatin on coronary artery plaque phenotype assessed by tissue characterization using serial virtual histology intravascular ultrasound. Heart and Vessels 2015 Jan;30(1):36-44.
32. Matsushita K, Hibi K, Komura N, Akiyama E, Maejima N, Iwahashi N, Tsukahara K, Kosuge M, Ebina T, Sumita S, Umemura S, Kimura K. Effects of 4 statins on regression of coronary plaque in acute coronary syndrome. Circulation Journal 2016 Jun;80(7):1634-43.
33. Nasu K, Tsuchikane E, Katoh O, Tanaka N, Kimura M, Ehara M, Kinoshita Y, Matsubara T, Matsuo H, Asakura K, Asakura Y, Terashima M, Takayama T, Honye J, Hirayama A, Saito S, Suzuki T. Effect of fluvastatin on progression of coronary atherosclerotic plaque evaluated by virtual histology intravascular ultrasound. JACC. Cardiovascular Intervention 2009 Jul;2(7):689-96.
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35. Naghavi M, Libby P, Falk E, Casscells SW, Litovsky S, Rumberger J, Badimon JJ, Stefanadis C, Moreno P, Pasterkamp G, Fayad Z, Stone PH, Waxman S, Raggi P, Madjid M, Zarrabi A, Burke A, Yuan C, Fitzgerald PJ, Siscovick DS, de Korte CL, Aikawa M, Juhani Airaksinen KE, Assmann G, Becker CR, Chesebro JH, Farb A, Galis ZS, Jackson C, Jang IK, Koenig W, Lodder RA, March K, Demirovic J, Navab M, Priori SG, Rekhter MD, Bahr R, Grundy SM, Mehran R, Colombo A, Boerwinkle E, Ballantyne C, Insull W Jr, Schwartz RS, Vogel R, Serruys PW, Hansson GK, Faxon DP, Kaul S, Drexler H, Greenland P, Muller JE, Virmani R, Ridker PM, Zipes DP, Shah PK, Willerson JT. From vulnerable plaque to vulnerable patient: a call for new definitions and risk assessment strategies. Part I. Circulation 2003 Oct;108(14):1664-72.
36. Kodama K, Komatsu S, Ueda Y, Takayama T, Yajima J, Nanto S, Matsuoka H, Saito S, Hirayama A. Stabilization and regression of coronary plaques treated with pitavastatin proven by angioscopy and intravascular ultrasound: the TOGETHAR trial. Circulation Journal 2010 Sep;74(9):1922-8.
37. Kubo T, Imanishi T, Takarada S, Kuroi A, Ueno S, Yamano T, Tani­moto T, Matsuo Y, Masho T, Kitabata H, Tanaka A, Nakamura N, Mizukoshi M, Tomobuchi Y, Akasaka T. Implication of plaque color classification for assessing plaque vulnerability: a coronary angio­scopy and optical coherence tomography investigation. JACC. Cardiovasc Intervention 2008 Feb;1(1):74-80.
38. Hattori K, Ozaki Y, Ismail TF, Okumura M, Naruse H, Kan S, Ishikawa M, Kawai T, Ohta M, Kawai H, Hashimoto T, Takagi Y, Ishii J, Serruys PW, Narula J. Impact of statin therapy on plaque characteristics as assessed by serial OCT, grayscale and integrated backscatter-IVUS. JACC. Cardiovascular Imaging 2012 Feb;5(2):169-77.
39. Zhou X, Wu L, Chen Y, Xiao H, Huang X, Li Y, Xiao H, Cao X. Forty-eight weeks of statin therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with lower extremity atherosclerotic disease: comparison of the effects of pitavastatin and atorvastatin on lower femoral total plaque areas. Journal of Diabetes Investigation 2021 Jul;12(7):1278-86.
40. Takayama K, Taki W, Toma N, Nakahara I, Maeda M, Tanemura H, Kuroiwa T, Imai K, Sakamoto M, Nakagawa I, Masuo O, Myouchin K, Wada T, Suzuki H. Effect of pitavastatin on preventing ischemic complications with carotid artery stenting: a multicenter prospective study – EPOCH-CAS study. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 2014 Dec;37(6):1436-43.
41. Jeong HS, Hong SJ, Cho JM, Han KH, Cha DH, Jo SH, Kang HJ, Choi SY, Choi CU, Cho EJ, Jeong YH, Gwon HC, Kim BK, Lee SY, Kim SH, Ahn JC, Hong YJ, Kim WS, Woo SI, Park TH, Han KR. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, factorial design, phase III clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of combination therapy of pitavastatin and ezetimibe versus monotherapy of pitavastatin in patients with primary hypercholestero­lemia. Clinical Therapeutics 2022 Oct;44(10):1310-25.
42. Chou MT, McGirr A, Jong GP, Chao TH, Lee IT, Huang CY, Chen CP, Hsieh CH, Lu CH, Sheu WH. Effect of 1PC111, a fixed-dose combination of pitavastatin and ezetimibe, versus pitavastatin or ezetimibe monotherapy on lipid profiles in patients with hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia: a randomized, double-blind, multicenter, phase III study. Clinical Therapeutics 2022 Oct;44(10):1272-81.
43. Tsujita K, Yokote K, Ako J, Tanigawa R, Tajima S, Suganami H; K-Clinical Study Group. Efficacy and safety of pitavastatin/ezetimibe fixed-dose combination vs. pitavastatin: phase III, double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 2023 Mar 11. doi: 10.5551/jat.64006. Online ahead of print.
44. Hagiwara N, Kawada-Watanabe E, Koyanagi R, Arashi H, Yamaguchi J, Nakao K, Tobaru T, Tanaka H, Oka T, Endoh Y, Saito K, Uchida T, Matsui K, Ogawa H. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol targeting with pitavastatin + ezetimibe for patients with acute coronary syndrome and dyslipidaemia: the HIJ-PROPER study, a prospective, open-label, randomized trial. European Heart Journal 2017 Aug;38(29):2264-76.
45. Nozue T, Hattori H, Ishihara M, Iwasaki T, Hirano T, Kawashiri MA, Yamagishi M, Michishita I. Comparison of effects of pitavastatin versus pravastatin on serum proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 levels in statin-naive patients with coronary artery disease. The American Journal of Cardiology 2013 May;111(10):1415-9.
46. Nozue T, Hattori H, Ogawa K, Kujiraoka T, Iwasaki T, Michishita I. Effects of statin therapy on plasma proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 and sortilin levels in statin-naive patients with coro­nary artery disease. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 2016 Jul;23(7):848-56.
47. Okada T, Miyoshi T, Doi M, Nosaka K, Tsushima R, Ugawa S, Taka­gi W, Sogo M, Takahashi M, Ito H. Effect of early initiation of evolocumab on lipoprotein(a) in patients with acute myocardial infarction: sub-analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 2022 May;9(5):153.
48. Yoshida M, Nakamura K, Miyoshi T, Yoshida M, Kondo M, Akazawa K, Kimura T, Ohtsuka H, Ohno Y, Miura D, Ito H. Combination therapy with pemafibrate (K-877) and pitavastatin improves vascular endothelial dysfunction in dahl/salt-sensitive rats fed a high-salt and high-fat diet. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2020 Sep;19(1):149.
49. Navarese EP, Kowalewski M, Andreotti F, van Wely M, Camaro C, Kolodziejczak M, Gorny B, Wirianta J, Kubica J, Kelm M, de Boer MJ, Suryapranata H. Meta-analysis of time-related benefits of statin therapy in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. The American Journal of Cardiology 2014 May;113(10):1753-64.
50. Gili S, Iannaccone M, Colombo F, Montefusco A, Amabile N, Calcagno S, Capodanno D, Scalone G, Rognoni A, Omedè P, Ugo F, Cavallo E, Mancone M, Mangiameli A, Boccuzzi G, Hiansen J, Motreff P, Toutouzas K, Garbo R, Sardella G, Tamburino C, D’Amico M, Moretti C, Templin C, Gaita F, Souteyrand G, Niccoli G, D’Ascenzo F. Effects of statins on plaque rupture assessed by optical coherence tomography in patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes: insights from the optical coherence tomography (OCT)-FORMIDABLE registry. European Heart Journal. Cardiovascular Imaging 2018 May;19(5):524-31.
51. Vervueren PL, Elbaz M, Dallongeville J, Arveiler D, Ruidavets JB, Montaye M, Wagner A, Amouyel P, Haas B, Bongard V, Ferrières J. Relationships between chronic use of statin therapy, presentation of acute coronary syndromes and one-year mortality after an incident acute coronary event. International Journal of Cardiology 2013 Feb;163(1):102-4.
52. Cavallini C, Savonitto S, Violini R, Arraiz G, Plebani M, Olivari Z, Rubartelli P, Battaglia S, Niccoli L, Steffenino G, Ardissino D; Italian ‘Atherosclerosis, Thorombosis, and Vascular Biology’ and ‘Society for Invasive Cardiology-GISE’ Investigators. Impact of the elevation of biochemical markers of myocardial damage on long-term mortality after percutaneous coronary interventions: results of the CK-MB and PCI study. European Heart Journal 2005 Aug;26(15):1494-8.
53. Soud M, Ho G, Kuku KO, Hideo-Kajita A, Waksman R, Garcia-Garcia HM. Impact of statins preloading before PCI on periprocedural myocardial infarction among stable angina pectoris patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine 2018 Dec;19(8):971-5.
54. Zhai C, Cong H, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Liu X, Zhang H, Ren Z. Effect of high-dose statin pretreatment on the incidence of periprocedural myocardial infarction in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: grading the evidence through a cumulative meta-analysis. Clinical Cardiology 2015 Nov;38(11):668-78.
55. Hou J, Xing L, Jia H, Vergallo R, Soeda T, Minami Y, Hu S, Yang S, Zhang S, Lee H, Yu B, Jang IK. Comparison of intensive versus moderate lipid-lowering therapy on fibrous cap and atheroma volume of coronary lipid-rich plaque using serial optical coherence tomography and intravascular ultrasound imaging. The American Journal of Cardiology 2016 Mar;117(5):800-6.
56. Nishiguchi T, Kubo T, Tanimoto T, Ino Y, Matsuo Y, Yamano T, Terada K, Emori H, Katayama Y, Taruya A, Ozaki Y, Shiono Y, Shimamura K, Kameyama T, Kitabata H, Yamaguchi T, Tanaka A, Hozumi T, Akasaka T. Effect of early pitavastatin therapy on coronary fib­rous-cap thickness assessed by optical coherence tomography in patients with acute coronary syndrome. The ESCORT study. JACC Cardiovascular Imaging 2018 Jun;11(6):829-38.
57. Oesterle A, Laufs U, Liao JK. Pleiotropic effects of statins on the cardiovascular system. Circulation Research 2017 Jan;120(1):229-43.
58. Diamantis E, Kyriakos G, Quiles-Sanchez L, Farmaki P, Troupis T. The anti-inflammatory effects of statins on coronary artery disease: an updated review of the literature. Current Cardiology Reviews 2017;13:209-16.
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60. Chen LW, Lin CS, Tsai MC, Shih SF, Lim ZW, Chen SJ, Tsui PF, Ho LJ, Lai JH, Liou JT. Pitavastatin exerts potent anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects via the suppression of AP-1 signal transduction in human T cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019 Jul;20(14):2-15.
61. Qadir F, Alam SM, Siddiqi AQ, Kamran A. Pitavastatin is a potent anti-inflammatory agent in the rat paw model of acute inflammation. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014 Nov;27(6 Spec No):2169-75.
62. Watanabe T, Kawasaki M, Tanaka R, Ono K, Kako N, Saeki M, Oni­shi N, Nagaya M, Sato N, Miwa H, Arai M, Noda T, Watanabe S, Minatoguchi S. Anti-inflammatory and morphologic effects of pitava­statin on carotid arteries and thoracic aorta evaluated by integrated backscatter trans-esophageal ultrasound and PET/CT: a prospective randomized comparative study with pravastatin (EPICENTRE study). Cardiovascular Ultrasound 2015 Apr;13:17.
63. Hong YJ, Jeong MH, Bae JH, Oh SK, Rha SW, Hur SH, Lee SY, Kim SW, Cha KS, Chae IH, Ahn TH, Kim KS. Efficacy and safety of pitavastatins in patients with acute myocardial infarction: Livalo in Acute Myocardial Infarction Study (LAMIS) II. Korean Journal of Internal Medicine 2017 Jul;32(4):656-67.
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65. Luo Z, Zhang Y, Gu J, Feng P, Wang Y. Pharmacokinetic properties of single and multiple-dose pitavastatin calcium tablets in healthy Chinese volunteers. Current Therapeutic Research 2015 Dec;77:52-7.
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