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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Нервные болезни
2018 / N 3

Невропатия тройничного нерва после оперативных вмешательств в челюстно-лицевой области
М.М. Танашян, М.Ю. Максимова, П.А. Федин, О.В. Лагода, К.В. Антонова, Е.С. Бердникович, Т.Ю. Носкова


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2. Robert RC, Bacchetti P, Pogrel MA. Frequency of trigeminal nerve injuries following third molar removal. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2005 Jun;63(6):732-5; discussion 736.
3. Kushnerev E, Yates JM. Evidence-based outcomes following inferior alveolar and lingual nerve injury and repair: a systematic review. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015 Oct;42(10):786-802.
4. Renton T. Prevention of iatrogenic inferior alveolar nerve injuries in relation to dental procedures. Dental Update 2010 Jul-Aug;37(6):350-2, 354-6, 358-60 passim.
5. Andrabi SM, Alam S, Zia A, Khan MH, Kumar A. Mental nerve paresthesia secondary to initiation of endodontic therapy: a case report. Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics 2014 Aug;39(3):215-9.
6. Klazen Y, Van der Cruyssen F, Vranckx M, Van Vlierberghe M, Politis C, Renton T, Jacobs R. Iatrogenic trigeminal post-traumatic neuropathy: a retrospective two-year cohort study. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2018 Jun;47(6):789-93.
7. Politis C, Lambrichts I, Agbaje JO. Neuropathic pain after orthognathic surgery. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 2014 Feb;117(2):e102-7.
8. Agbaje JO, Van de Casteele E, Hiel M, Verbaanderd C, Lambrichts I, Politis C. Neuropathy of trigeminal nerve branches after oral and maxillofacial treatment. Journal of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery 2016 Sep;15(3):321-7.
9. Bagheri SC, Meyer RA, Khan HA, Steed MB. Microsurgical repair of peripheral trigeminal nerve injuries from maxillofacial trauma. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2009 Sep;67(9):1791-9.
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11. Sladki E. Trials of the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia with local administration of thioctic acid. Die Medizinische Welt 1962 Dec;52:2783-4.
12. Bourinet E, Alloui A, Monteil A, Barrère C, Couette B, Poirot O, Pages A, McRory J, Snutch TP, Eschalier A, Nargeot J. Silencing of the Cav3.2 T-type calcium channel gene in sensory neurons demonstrates its major role in nociception. The EMBO Journal 2005 Jan;24(2):315-24.
13. Choi S, Na HS, Kim J, Lee J, Lee S, Kim D, Park J, Chen CC, Campbell KP, Shin HS. Attenuated pain responses in mice lacking Ca(V)3.2 T-type channels. Genes, Brain and Behavior 2007;6(5):425-31.
14. Lee WY, Orestes P, Latham J, Naik AK, Nelson MT, Vitko I, Perez-Reyes E, Jevtovic-Todorovic V, Todorovic SM. Molecular mechanisms of lipoic acid modulation of T-type calcium channels in pain pathway. The Journal of Neuroscience 2009 Jul;29(30):9500-9.
15. Hidaka S, Kanai Y, Takehana S, Syoji Y, Kubota Y, Uotsu N, Yui K, Shimazu Y, Takeda M. Systemic administration of α-lipoic acid suppresses excitability of nociceptive wide-dynamic range neurons in rat spinal trigeminal nucleus caudalis. Neuroscience Research 2018 Jun 6. pii: S0168-0102(18)30220-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2018.06.003. [Epub ahead of print].
16. Mrakic-Sposta S, Vezzoli A, Maderna L, Gregorini F, Montorsi M, Moretti S, Greco F, Cova E, Gussoni M. R(+)-Thioctic acid effects on oxidative stress and peripheral neuropathy in type II diabetic patients: preliminary results by electron paramagnetic resonance and electroneurography. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2018 Apr;2018:1767265.
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