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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Нервные болезни
2019 / N 3

Когнитивные нарушения у больных с цереброваскулярными заболеваниями
П.Р. Камчатнов, З.Х. Осмаева, А.В. Чугунов, Н.В. Шахпаронова, И.А. Измайлов


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3. Zhetishev RR, Mikhaylova NA, Kamchatnov PR, Ivashchenko RA. Asymptomatic cerebral infarctions: risk factors and cognitive impairment. Korsakov SS Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. Stroke 2014; 114 (3-2): 3-6 (In Russian).
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15. Gusev EI, Martynov MYu, Kostenko EV, Petrova LV, Bobyreva SN. Efficacy of semax in treatment of patients at different ischemic stroke stages. Korsakov SS Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry 2018;118(3-2):61-8 (In Russian).
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21. Korsunskaya LL, Vlasenko SV, Davydova AA, Larina NV, Golubova TF, Muratova LR. Effect of cellex on regenerative processes by modeling cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage in animals. Korsakov SS Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry 2018;118(7):73-7 (In Russian).
22. Pisova NV, Sokolov MA, Izmaylov IA. Cellex in treatment of patients with acute cerebrovascular disease: results of a Russian multicenter comparative open clinical study. Korsakov SS Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry 2014;114(5):22-6 (In Russian).
23. Kamchatnov PR, Izmaylov IA, Umarova KhYa, Sokolov MA. Results of Cellex application in patients with ischemic stroke. Farmateka 2015;19(312):52-7 (In Russian).
24. Kovalenko AV, Safronova MN. Effect of cellex on cognitive and speech impairments in acute ischemic stroke stage. Korsakov SS Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry 2015;115(1):40-4 (In Russian).
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27. Abusuyeva BA, Yevzelman MA, Kamchatnov PR, Umarova KhYa. Cellex application in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia and mild cognitive impairment. Nervous Diseases 2016;2:29-36 (In Russian).

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