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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Нервные болезни
2021 / N 2

Современный взгляд на механизмы развития когнитивных нарушений у пациентов с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями и возможность их коррекции
В.Н. Шишкова, Т.В. Адашева


1. Grinin VM, Shestemirova EI. Demographic aging in Russia at the present stage. Annals of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences 2015;70(3):348-54 (In Russian).
2. Putilina MV. Comorbidity in elderly patients. Korsakov SS Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry 2016;5:106-11 (In Russian).
3. Shishkova VN. An elderly comorbid patient: prioritizing. Consilium Medicum 2019;21(9):48-53 (In Russian).
4. Shishkova VN. Cognitive impairment as universal clinical syndrome in therapist’s practice. Therapeutic Archive 2014;86(11):128-34 (In Russian).
5. Shishkova VN. Arterial hypertension in brain lesion development: from mild cognitive impairment to dementia. Systemic Hypertension 2014;11(1):45-51 (In Russian).
6. Shishkova VN. Neuroprotection in hypertensive patients: minimization of poor prognosis. Therapeutic Archive 2014;86(8):113-8 (In Russian).
7. Suslina ZA, Varakin YuYa, Vereshchagin NV. Cerebrovascular diseases. Epidemiology. Fundamentals of prevention. Moscow: MEDpress-inform; 2009. 352 p. (In Russian).
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13. Georgiadis D, Sievert M, Cencetti S, Uhlmann F, Krivokuca M, Zierz S, Werdan K. Cerebrovascular reactivity is impaired in patients with cardiac failure. European Heart Journal 2000;21:407-13.
14. Saeedi P, Petersohn I, Salpea P, Malanda B, Karuranga S, Unwin N, Colagiuri S, Guariguata L, Motala AA, Ogurtsova K, Shaw JE, Bright D, Williams R; IDF Diabetes Atlas Committee. Global and regional diabetes prevalence estimates for 2019 and projections for 2030 and 2045: results from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 9th ed. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2019 Nov;157:107843.
15. Shestakova MV, Vikulova OK, Zheleznyakova AV, Isakov MA, Dedov II. Diabetes epidemiology mellitus in Russia: what has changed over last decade? Therapeutic Archive 2019;91(10):4-13 (In Russian).
16. Dedov II, Shestakova MV, Galstyan GR. Prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adult population of Russia (NATION study). Diabetes Mellitus 2016;19(2):104-12 (In Russian).
17. Shishkova VN, Kapustina LA. Features of development of cognitive impairment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. The Doctor 2018;9:3-10 (In Russian).
18. Ostroumova OD, Surkova EV, Shikh EV, Rebrova EV, Borisov MS. Cognitive impairment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: prevalence, pathogenetic mechanisms, and effect of antidiabetic drugs. Diabetes Mellitus 2018;21(4):307-18 (In Russian).
19. Zakharov VV, Yakhno NN. Cognitive impairment in elderly and senile age. Manual for physicians. Moscow, 2005. 71 p. (In Russian).
20. Martynov AI, Vertkin AL, Danilov AB, Kozlov IG, Maksimova MYu, Mkrtumyan AM, Putilina MV, Solovyova EYu, Tabeyeva GR, Fedotova AV. Consensus on management of chronic cerebral ischemia patients for therapists and general practice physicians. The Therapy Journal 2020;41(7):15-21 (In Russian).
21. Tkacheva ON, Ostroumova OD, Kotovskaya YuV, Krasnov GS, Kochetkov AI, Pereverzev AP. Deprescribing of sugar-lowering drugs in elderly and senile patients: current state of issue and evidence base overview. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy 2019;28(3):62-7 (In Russian).
22. Tkacheva ON, Runikhina NK, Kotovskaya YuV, Sharashkina NV, Ostapenko VS. Arterial hypertension management in patients aged older 80 years and in patients with senile asthenia. Clinical recommendations. Cardiology. News, opinions, training 2017;2(13):76-90 (In Russian).
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24. Shishkova VN, Malyukova NG, Tokareva RB. Cereton efficacy in complex neurorehabilitation therapy. Lechebnoye Delo 2020;1:55-62 (In Russian).
25. Atantayeva EB. Neuroprotective therapy with cereton, neurox, and their combinations in cerebrovascular therapy (review). KazNMU Vestnik 2014;2(1):22-4 (In Russian).
26. Kamchatnov PR, Abusuyeva BA, Yevzelman MA, Yesin RG, Kolyak EV, Novikova LB, Prikazchikov SV, Ryabov AG, Umarova KhYa, Boyko AN. Cereton efficacy in acute ischemic stroke: SOLNTSE study results. Korsakov SS Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry 2012;112(3-2):10-4 (In Russian).
27. Starchina YuA. Cereton in neurological practice. Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics 2011;2:81-5 (In Russian).
28. Shavlovskaya OA. Cereton® (choline alphoscerate) in clinical practice. Russian Medical Journal 2011;19(9):557-61 (In Russian).
29. Buyvolova TV, Glotova ME, Khalak ME, Vashkevich VV. Experience of using cereton in rehabilitation of patients with hemorrhagic stroke. Korsakov SS Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry 2009;109(5-2):58-62 (In Russian).
30. Shakhparova NV, Kadykov AS. Choline alphoscerate in patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment. Difficult Patient 2011;9(1):27-30 (In Russian).
31. Karakulova YuV, Amirakhova LSh. Neurotrophins in recovery after ischemic stroke under the influence of neuroprotective therapy. Neurological Journal 2014;19(6):31-5 (In Russian).
32. Solovyova AV, Chichanovskaya LV, Bakhareva ON, Bryantseva MV. Study of cereton efficacy in treatment of elderly patients suffering from chronic cerebral ischemia. Russian Medical Journal 2009;23:1522-5 (In Russian).

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