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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Нервные болезни
2023 / N 4

Терапевтическая транскраниальная магнитная стимуляция при постинсультных двигательных нарушениях: важность дифференцированного подхода
А.Г. Пойдашева, И.С. Бакулин, А.Х. Забирова, О.А. Кириченко, Н.А. Супонева, М.А. Пирадов

Список литературы

1. Valero-Cabré A, Amengual JL, Stengel C, Pascual-Leone A, Coubard OA. Transcranial magnetic stimulation in basic and clinical neuroscience: a comprehensive review of fundamental principles and novel insights. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2017 Dec;83:381-404.
2. Gangitano M, Valero-Cabré A, Tormos JM, Mottaghy FM, Ro­mero JR, Pascual-Leone A. Modulation of input-output curves by low and high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex. Clinical Neurophysiology 2002 Aug;113(8):1249-57.
3. Murase N, Duque J, Mazzocchio R, Cohen LG. Influence of interhemispheric interactions on motor function in chronic stroke. Annals of Neurology 2004 Mar;55(3):400-9.
4. Nowak DA, Grefkes C, Ameli M, Fink GR. Interhemispheric competition after stroke: brain stimulation to enhance recovery of function of the affected hand. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2009 Sep;23(7):641-56.
5. Dodd KC, Nair VA, Prabhakaran V. Role of the contralesional vs. ipsilesional hemisphere in stroke recovery. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2017 Sep;11:469.
6. Lefaucheur JP, Aleman A, Baeken C, Benninger DH, Brunelin J, Di Lazzaro V, Filipović SR, Grefkes C, Hasan A, Hummel FC, Jääskeläinen SK, Langguth B, Leocani L, Londero A, Nardone R, Nguyen JP, Nyffeler T, Oliveira-Maia AJ, Oliviero A, Padberg F, Palm U, Paulus W, Poulet E, Quartarone A, Rachid F, Rektorová I, Rossi S, Sahlsten H, Schecklmann M, Szekely D, Ziemann U. Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): an update (2014–2018). Clinical Neurophysiology 2020 Feb;131(2):474-528.
7. Micera S, Caleo M, Chisari C, Hummel FC, Pedrocchi A. Advanced neurotechnologies for the restoration of motor function. Neuron 2020 Feb;105(4):604-20.
8. Hamaguchi T, Yamada N, Hada T, Abo M. Prediction of motor recovery in the upper extremity for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and occupational therapy goal setting in patients with chronic stroke: a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. Frontiers in Neurology 2020 Oct;11:581186.
9. Plow EB, Sankarasubramanian V, Cunningham DA, Potter-Baker K, Varnerin N, Cohen LG, Sterr A, Conforto AB, Machado AG. Models to tailor brain stimulation therapies in stroke. Neural Plasticity 2016;2016:4071620.
10. Sankarasubramanian V, Machado AG, Conforto AB, Potter-Baker KA, Cunningham DA, Varnerin NM, Wang X, Sakaie K, Plow EB. Inhibition versus facilitation of contralesional motor cortices in stroke: deriving a model to tailor brain stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology 2017 Jun;128(6):892-902.
11. Stinear CM, Byblow WD, Ackerley SJ, Smith MC, Borges VM, Barber PA. PREP2: a biomarker-based algorithm for predicting upper limb function after stroke. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 2017 Oct;4(11):811-20.
12. Smith MC, Ackerley SJ, Barber PA, Byblow WD, Stinear CM. PREP2 algorithm predictions are correct at 2 years poststroke for most patients. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2019 Aug;33(8):635-42.
13. Powell ES, Westgate PM, Goldstein LB, Sawaki L. Absence of motor-evoked potentials does not predict poor recovery in patients with severe-moderate stroke: an exploratory analysis. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation 2019 Sep;1(3-4):100023.
14. Di Pino G, Pellegrino G, Assenza G, Capone F, Ferreri F, Formica D, Ranieri F, Tombini M, Ziemann U, Rothwell JC, Di Lazzaro V. Modulation of brain plasticity in stroke: a novel model for neurorehabilitation. Nature Reviews. Neurology 2014 Oct;10(10):597-608.
15. Lin YL, Potter-Baker KA, Cunningham DA, Li M, Sankarasubramanian V, Lee J, Jones S, Sakaie K, Wang X, Machado AG, Plow EB. Stratifying chronic stroke patients based on the influence of contralesional motor cortices: an inter-hemispheric inhibition study. Clinical Neurophysiology 2020 Oct;131(10):2516-25.
16. Fang PC, Stepniewska I, Kaas JH. Corpus callosum connections of subdivisions of motor and premotor cortex, and frontal eye field in a prosimian primate, Otolemur garnetti. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 2008 Jun;508(4):565-78.
17. Zhao Z, Wu J, Fan M, Yin D, Tang C, Gong J, Xu G, Gao X, Yu Q, Yang H, Sun L, Jia J. Altered intra- and inter-network functional coupling of resting-state networks associated with motor dysfunction in stroke. Human Brain Mapping 2018;39(8):3388-97.
18. Li X, Lin YL, Cunningham DA, Wolf SL, Sakaie K, Conforto AB, Machado AG, Mohan A, O’Laughlin K, Wang X, Widina M, Plow EB. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the contralesional dorsal premotor cortex for upper extremity motor improvement in severe stroke: study protocol for a pilot randomized clinical trial. Cerebrovascular Diseases (Basel, Switzerland) 2022;51(5):557-64.
19. Li J, Wang H, Yuan Y, Fan Y, Liu F, Zhu J, Xu Q, Chen L, Guo M, Ji Z, Chen Y, Yu Q, Gao T, Hua Y, Fan M, Sun L. Effects of high frequency rTMS of contralesional dorsal premotor cortex in severe subcortical chronic stroke: protocol of a randomized controlled trial with multimodal neuroimaging assessments. BMC Neurology 2022 Apr;22(1):125.
20. Rocha S, Silva E, Foerster Á, Wiesiolek C, Chagas AP, Machado G, Baltar A, Monte-Silva K. The impact of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) combined with modified constraint-induced movement therapy (mCIMT) on upper limb function in chronic stroke: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Disability and Rehabilitation 2016;38(7):653-60.
21. Lundquist CB, Maribo T. The Fugl-Meyer assessment of the upper extremity: reliability, responsiveness and validity of the Danish version. Disability and Rehabilitation 2017 May;39(9):934-9.
22. Arya KN, Verma R, Garg RK. Estimating the minimal clinically important difference of an upper extremity recovery measure in subacute stroke patients. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2011 Oct;18(Suppl 1):599-610.

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